We are an all-volunteer entity

Being an all-volunteer entity allows us to give 100% of donations and funds raised back into the community to support children from infants to age 21. The donations and funds that are raised are primarily distributed to smaller organizations, individuals, and groups in the form of grants.

Those seeking support must apply via our grant application process, in which they must state the nature and cost of their need, how it benefits the Tukwila community, and upholds the Tukwila Children’s Foundation’s mission, vision, goals, and values.

our contributions

Since the revamp of the foundation in 2019, we have:

Sponsored our first academic scholarship, The Bulldog Dream Scholarship, with the financial support of nine Foster High School alumni from the class of 2012.

Provided grants to two elementary schools in the Tukwila School District to fund the purchase of new technology necessary to establish an adequate and up-to-date learning environment for all students regardless of financial restraints.

ongoing support

Previous work that we have done and continue to support include:

- Shop-With-A-Cop
- Spirit of Giving
- C.A.R.E Night

ongoing support

Previous work that we have done and continue to support include:

- Shop-With-A-Cop
- Spirit of Giving
- C.A.R.E Night